Tuesday 14 August 2012

Shirley Discovers The Truth


Shirley will discover in tonights Eastenders episode that it was Ben who killed Heather all along!!

Ben Slips Up And Shirley Discovers The Truth

Eastenders BIG WEEK started lastnight, with a double episode where we saw the return of Sharon, and Shirley finding the photo frame that was used to kill Heather in Denise's possession.

TONIGHT, you can expect to see some high dramatic moments on the popular soap.
Shirley will come to the conclusion that it was Phil that killed Heather. Shirley pours her heart out to Ben, but Ben slips up on something that makes Shirley realize who really killed her best friend.
The penny finally drops for Shirley and viewers can expect to see some violent scenes this evening, when Shirley has a violent showdown with Ben in the bathroom.
Tonights episode is just the start of things to come for the rest of the week, and is defiantly not one to miss!
Tune in to see these scenes at 7.30pm on BBC1 

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